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CLASS TITLE: Acting: Auditioning on Camera - Adults
AGES: 16yrs+
MIN-MAX#: 6-15

CLASS DATES:July 29th & 30th
CLASS DAY(S):Sat & Sun
CLASS TIME:12:30-2:30 PT / 1:30-3:30 MT / 2:30-4:30 CT
COST: Early Registration $80 - Regular Registration $100
LOCATION: Online via Zoom
INSTRUCTOR: Jozben Barrett (Founder 2 Rhythms, California State University Dominguez Hills Faculty, MFA CalArts Theater,)



The vast majority of initial theatre and film auditions are now being held virtually. Self-tapes are now the industry standard and knowing how to audition properly is one of the most important tools an actor can have.


In this 4-hour workshop intensive, students will learn the fundamentals of a self-tape audition as well as tips and tricks on how to make their submission stand out to casting directors, agents, and managers. Students will upload a self-tape, will then be given feedback, and then have the opportunity to implement the adjustments.


In this class, you the actor will learn how to perform either a comedic or dramatic monologue using both your voice and body. Participants will also learn techniques on how to deal with stage fright. No previous acting experience required!


Acting for Audition Self-Tapes Workshop

  • We must have a profile for all of our students before they are enrolled in the class. You only have to do this one time!

    Fill out a new student profile here:


    >We will reach out the week before class if not sooner with zoom information if you are taking the class online or any further information regarding the class and getting you access to it. 


    >We will also share any information pertaining to the class to get you all ready to go! 

    In the meantimeā€¦ 

    Please reach out with any questions or for more information at or (ne)308.631.5704 / (ca)661.670.8663

    **Any changes you may need to make to this student's profile you can email to us too**

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